Congratulations to Ouedraogo Adams Billy, Dr Alan Balfour, Tanya Davies, Brenda Dutertre, RobertaAnn Greene, Aisling Killoran & Donna Wirth! Their trainer writes: "What a delightfully uplifting refreshing and amazing weekend!!
Congratulations to the new and refreshing Energy Trainers spanning the globe from mid USA, Canada to Europe, Africa and on to Australia who joined for the Annual Trainers Training of The Guild of Energists... thanks to the miracle of technology!
Ouedraogo AdamsBilly in South Africa
Tanya Davies in Australia
Aisling Killoran Ireland
Dr Alan Balfour UK
RobertaAnn Green USA
Donna Wirth USA
Brenda Duterte Canada
Yes the time zones were tricky with USA/Canada Trainers Donna, Brenda, RobertaAnn joining at 3 am and 4 am..." Read the report from the online Modern Energy Trainer training with Sandra Hillawi, 16 Nov 2024 - 17 Nov 2024. Click through to find out about this event and also to contact the organiser about future events.
BIG +10 congratulations to RobertaAnn Greene for completing Star Matrix StarLine Therapy Professional with GoE trainer Silvia Hartmann!
Congratulations to our BRAND-NEW Modern Energy Trainers, qualifying this weekend in the 25th year of The Guild of Energists.
BIG +10 congratulations to RobertaAnn Greene for completing Modern Energy Trainer with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi!
BIG +10 congratulations to RobertaAnn Greene for completing Positive Energy Course with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi!
BIG +10 congratulations to RobertaAnn Greene for completing Community Energist with GoE trainer Silvia Hartmann!
BIG +10 congratulations to RobertaAnn Greene for completing EMO Master Practitioner with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi!
BIG +10 congratulations to RobertaAnn Greene for completing Star Matrix Master with GoE trainer Silvia Hartmann!
RobertaAnn Greene writes: "Whatever your expectations were, you will be surprised and delighted with so much more. I can whole-heartedly recommend it."
BIG +10 congratulations to RobertaAnn Greene for completing Energy EFT Master Practitioner with GoE trainer Silvia Hartmann!
BIG +10 congratulations to RobertaAnn Greene for completing EMO Practitioner with GoE trainer Abraham Bruck!